The Mitchell-Henry Family


Stratheden House Estate Auction Catalogue
A catalogue containing the contents of Stratheden House submitted for auction

Stratheden House Auction Catalogue
A catalogue containing the contents of Stratheden House submitted for auction

Kylemore Abbey And Its History
A historical sketch of Kylemore Abbey. A woman's inspiration! Such was Kylemore Abbey, once known as Kylemore Castle. The woman was Margaret Henry, the loving and beloved wife of Mitchell Henry, who had inherited the wealth of the old and esteemed firm of A & S Henry & Co., Manchester.
Published by;
John English & Co.
Co. Wexford

Kylemore Abbey
It has been said and it is a truism, that all the highways of Connacht are beckoning the sightseer to Connemara. With equal claim to veracity it may be affirmed that all the roads of Connemara are leading the visitor to Kylemore.
This souvineer of their tour is intended to interpret for our friends from overseas the scenic and historic setting of the far-famed Abbey, and its present day significance as a religious and cultural outpost in Western Ireland.
Published by;
The Connacht Tribune Limited
Market Street
Co. Galway

Kylemore Abbey
From Generation to Generation
Kylemore Abbey embodies the essence of all that is Connemara: beauty, romance, nostalgia and mystery; beauty in its location, romance in its conception, nostalgia in its history and mystery in the lives of its inhabitants.
Published by;
Kylemore Abbey Publications
Kylemore Abbey
Co. Galway
The Kylemore Abbey Cookbook
Kylemore Abbey, a magnificent turreted castle set in the lush Connemara hills overlooking a lake, is one of Ireland's top tourist attractions, with over 100,000 visitors every year. The Benedictine Nuns took over the Abbey in 1920, and since then have built up a fine tradition of hospitality, with wonderful produce from their farm and with delicious, wholesome food in their kitchen. This is a collection of the best of these recipies, old and new. It tries to show something of the changing face of food, reflecting today's food style. There is honeyed trout, Micaelmas goose with potato stuffing, mussel risotto, gooseberries poached in elderflower juice, and the aptley named Resurrection pudding and Sunday fruit cake.
Published by;
Gill & MacMillan
Hume Avenue
Park West
Dublin 12
History of Kylemore & Abbey
Kathleen Villiers-Tuthill
The history of Kylemore is the history of two homes - Kylemore Castle and Kylemore Abbey - and of two communities; the community within and the community without. The period covered is from 1862 to 2002, from the time Mitchell Henry first took possession of Kylemore right to the present day.
Kathleen Villiers-Tuthill was born in Clifden and still retains a home there. She has spent the past twenty-five years researching the history of connemara and is the author of three books and numorous articles on the subject.
History of Kylemore & Abbey
John O'Tool & Marguerite Foyle
The sisters of Kylemore Abbey are a hardy group of nuns who handle tens of thousands of eager visitors to their home in the heart of Connemara. The nuns are famous for their Benedictine welcome and for their food in the abbey restaurant and tea rooms. They even make their own chocolate. Kylemore has recently announced a partnership with Notre Dame University and this has served to put it on the American map: this cookbook is aimed at both Irish and American markets.

Tunny Fishing at Home & Abroad
Lorenzo Mitchell-Henry
Mr Mitchell-Henry is the pioneer of tunny fishing in British waters, and holds the record, with a tunny weighing 851 lbs., for rod-caught tunny fish. In addition to these qualifications to write this pratical and also exciting book about this new piscatorial sport, the author has had a immensely wide experience of fishing giant fish in all parts of the world. The book, which is magnificently produced and illustrated, is the only comprehensive work on the subject, and is an indispensable addition to the library of every sportsman.
Published by;